Gay pride colors glitter

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Richard Branson and Virgin have supported the LGBTQ+ community over many decades, and in 2019 Virgin Atlantic made history with the world's first-ever Pride flight. A post shared by Elle (enamelle) Glittery-AF nail polishes are the key to recreating this manicure idea for Pride (and, you. 'We are so proud of our inclusive culture, where everyone belongs and is encouraged to be their authentic self.'Īccording to VA, the all-inclusive tickets covered a pre-flight departure party, celebrity appearances, mid-air drag performances, bottomless drinks, pumping DJ entertainment, and all of the glitter and rainbows you would expect from a pride flight. 26 These Glittery Rainbow Nails for Pride. Virgin Australia chief people officer Lisa Burquest said the airline is incredibly focused on recognizing and celebrating the wonderfully diverse community in which we live, work and fly, and our Pride flight is a true testament of that.

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Make sure you sparkle with pride and your conscious is clear. The flights operated from Brisbane and Melbourne to Sydney, where the renowned Sydney Mardi Gras was happening. This is the biodegradable festival mix glitter set for the famous 6 colour Gay Pride Rainbow Flag. Photo: Virgin AustraliaĪnother airline to support Pride activities is Virgin Australia ( VA), which operated Pride flights on March 4 this year. RAINBOW FLAG LGBT Movement Gay Pride Flag Glitter Enamel Cufflinks Cuff Links - 10.99.

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In March Virgin Australia operated Pride flights from Brisbane and Melbourne to the Sydney Mardi Gras.

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